Vendor Terms and Condition


Term of Service ("TOS") is a legally binding non-exclusive agreement between you and Archiola. Please read the TOS carefully and make sure you fully understand. TOS explains and controls the legal relationship with Archiola.Umum

a.      By signing up to become an Archiola vendor you are willing to comply with all terms and conditions specified by Archiola.

b.      Vendors are willing to approve all prices in every product listed on the Archiola website as a sale price for customers.


1.      Account / partnership


You agree to provide true and complete information relating to your Archiola and Content seller account / partnership, including but not limited to information relating to the date, location and equipment used in connection with the creation of the Content;

Make sure that information relating to your Archiola account / partnership and content is true and complete.

a)      By opening an account / partnership of Archiola you agree to the Archiola Privacy Policy, incorporated herein by reference and governing the collection, processing, storage and transfer of Content and data submitted by you, including data relating to you, your account / partnership, Your content or other information related to the previous ("Personal Data"). You agree that your Personal Data may be collected, processed, stored and transferred to a jurisdiction other than the jurisdiction of the Republic of Indonesia.

b)      Archiola will terminate / close your account / partnership no later than 90 (ninety) days after receipt of your written request. However, in the event Archiola material modifies the TOS and does not provide prior notice, you may terminate your account / partnership within thirty (30) days from the effective date of the change.

c)      We may close your account / partnership if you do something wrong. You may ask us to close your account / partnership at any time, which we will do within 90 days.

d)      If your account / partnership is terminated for any reason, you must obtain written authorization from Archiola before creating another account / partnership. You may not be allowed to have more than one active dealer / partnership account without the written approval of Archiola


2.      Production


Vendors will produce / provide all orders taken in accordance with the specified specifications in the site, email or mail. Vendors are prohibited from producing / providing orders outside of Archiola specified specifications.

a.      Vendors are prohibited from transferring orders to other parties without the knowledge and approval of Archiola.

b.      Archiola reserves the right to withhold or refuse payment of an order received by the vendor in the event of false specs and designs either intentionally or unintentionally.

c.      Archiola reserves the right to transfer orders to another party designated by Archiola for any reason, if the vendor is deemed to have failed in producing / providing the order given and the Vendor is not eligible to receive payment from Archiola.


3.      Commision

Archiola charges a commission for every order that occurs on the Archiola website. Archiola charges 5-10% or according to commission agreements of the product prices listed on the Archiola website or price list. All funds received will be transferred one week after the product order received by the customer. Funds will be transferred to your applicable bank account.

a.      Payments happen automatically and do not need to be prompted. Payment to the vendor is done 3-7 days after the product or service is received by the customer.

b.      If within 3 days after receipt of the customer no feedback, the goods received by the customer are considered well received and the payment will be processed to the vendor according to the procedure.

c.      If your account / partnership is terminated due to a violation of the content terms of the TOS, in addition to any other rights in law or equity, Archiola reserves the right to retain payments and / or compensation owed to you as indemnification.

d.      If Archiola makes any overpayment or other compensation to you for any reason, Archiola reserves the right to deduct the amount of overpayment of any outstanding payments.Pajak.

e.      Prices shown on the Archiola website include VAT tax (value added tax) 10%

4.      Archiola Brand

For the purposes of the TOS, the term "Trademark (s)" means registered trademark or trademark, logo, service mark, trade name, internet domain name, or any other indication in the present or future.

a.      Nothing contained in this statement gives consent or shall be construed to grant you the right to use any of the Archiola Trademarks.

b.      You agree that you will not use the Archiola trademark in any way that may tarnish, humiliate or otherwise reflect on the Trademark or Archiola. Nor will you sue (for example, in legal action or otherwise), or assist or encourage any other person or entity to claim, the validity of any of the Archiola Trademarks or Trademark rights claimed by Archiola.

c.      You agree that you will not use the Archiola Trademark or any variant thereof including misspellings) as a domain name or as part of a domain name regardless of the top-level domain, as part of the name of the blog or social media grip or channel, or as a metatag, keys, or other types of programming or data codes.

d.      You may not at any time, adopt or use, without the written consent of Archiola for any word or sign similar to this Archiola Trademark.

e.      Views and themes of the Archiola Website, including all page headers, custom graphics, button icons, and scripts, are trade clothing and / or trademarks or service marks of Archiola and may not be copied, reproduced or used, in whole or in part, without consent written from Archiola.

f.       Anda tidak diperbolehkan menggunakan tautan ke Website Archiola atau suatu konten selain Anda sendiri tanpa persetujuan tertulis dari Archiola.


5.      Copyright Claim Offenses

 You hereby grant the right and authority to take reasonable steps to protect the rights of Archiola in Content Archiola.

a.      If on the way there is a customer who sees any content abuse either partially or entirely from the design received by the vendor, then Archiola is relieved of all responsibilities.

6.      Statement and Warranty

You represent and warrant that:

a. You have the full right, power and authority to exist in this agreement and to fully do all under this agreement as your obligation;

b. You are not in a legal condition or contractual restriction that prevents you from entering into this agreement.

c. You are at least 18 years old;

d.  You are solely responsible for all descriptions, and product specifications that you include on the Archiola website.

e. no action of lawsuit or other lawsuit or legal or administrative process pending or threatening which may directly or indirectly affect your business; and

f.  You will not send unsolicited emails or engage in so-called "spamming" to publish or promote your relationship with Archiola or the sale of your Content - will not you advertise or publish your relationship with Archiola, nor will you use the Archiola Trademark via use of search engine advertising and / or marketing.

g. You acknowledge that such advertising and / or marketing may infringe the intellectual property rights of Archiola and / or third parties. In addition to other rights under TOS, Archiola is not obliged to pay any referral or other compensation fees if you violate the provisions of this subparagraph.

10.         Confidential

You acknowledge that you will obtain confidential information, including but not limited to commission rates, payment of sales funds and income data (collectively, "Confidential Information"). You agree to keep the Information confidential and not disclose the Confidential Information to any third parties other than representatives, agents, attorneys, accounts / partnerships, auditors and other advisers.

11. Compensation

a) You agree to indemnify Archiola, its subsidiaries, affiliates, directors, officers and employees from and against any and all claims, losses, damages, costs and expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses) arising out of breach or claim violation of your representation or warranty or obligation under the TOS. You will only be liable for incidental, consequential or special damages in case of a third party claim.

b) If a claim arises because of your breach of your representation in this agreement, you agree to cover the resulting Archiola loss. If a claim arises due to an infringement of Archiola for representation in this agreement, Archiola agrees to bear your losses.

c) The indemnification party agrees to notify the other party as soon as possible.

d) Archiola shall indemnify and hold you against and against any and all claims, losses, damages, costs and expenses (including reasonable fees and attorneys) arising out of breach or claimed infringement of any representation or guarantee of Archiola or liability of Archiola in accordance with TOS. Archiola will only be liable for incidental, consequential or special damages in case of a third party claim.

e) If Archiola is the loser, he will defend the claim, control the litigation, and settle the claim in its sole discretion. If the settlement creates financial obligations to you, it will require your consent in writing, which you will not withhold or delay for no reason. If you are a loser, Archiola reserves the right but is not obliged to take control of any litigation.Ketika ganti rugi dicari karena klaim hukum oleh pihak ketiga, pihak yang dirugikan harus:

i. immediately notify the claimant of the claimant. If the injured party does not notify the counterparty, the adverse party shall still meet the compensation obligations under the TOS, except the failure to notify the cause of the material to reduce the indemnified party; and

ii. provide the party with the opportunity to defend the claim with a counsel approved by the aggrieved party. The aggrieved party agrees to cooperate with the remedy party in defense of the claim, at the expense of the injured party. If for any reason the indemnifying party does not choose or fails to defend its claim, the injured party may do so at the expense of the counterpartier.

12. Other

a) The validity, interpretation and enforcement of the TOS, matters arising from or related to the TOS or its manufacture, performance or violations, and matters shall be governed by the internal law of the State of the Republic of Indonesia. Any legal action or proceeding on the validity, interpretation and enforcement of the TOS, matters arising out of or related to this TOS or its manufacture, performance or offenses, or any matters concerned shall be brought exclusively in the courts of the Republic of Indonesia, and all parties agree to jurisdiction exclusive court, relieving objections to the propriety or convenience of the venue.

b) Where an individual term of the TOS is found to be invalid or unenforceable by a legal person or regulatory authority, such findings shall be limited to only those parts which are invalid or unenforceable, without affecting the rest of the other part, or any other part of the TOS , so the TOS will be declared to remain fully valid. TOS is binding and must be applied for the benefit of each party and their respective legal representatives, successors and beneficiaries are permitted.

c) Archiola shall not be liable for damages, including any actual, indirect, special, or consequential damages arising from the submission or use of the Content or termination of your Account / Partners Vendor.

d) Archiola reserves the right to change these terms at any time without prior notice. You agree to be bound by all such changes. If you do not agree then you have the right to withdraw from this partnership agreement.

e) In the event that you violate any of these terms or other agreements with Archiola, Archiola reserves the right to terminate your account / partnership without further notice.

f) It must be understood and agreed that this TOS shall be entered solely for mutual benefit between the parties and that there is no purpose, right, duty, or obligation intended by this TOS for a third party.